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Mattoni Projects for all your Building Solutions. We are proud to welcome you to our web-site....
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Photos of past and present Mattoni Projects, we do both commercial and residential...
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Welcome To Mattoni Projects JHB & PTA
Providing all your Building Solutions. At Mattoni Projects we are proud to welcome you to our web-site and trust that it will be informative in meeting with your needs. Complete Solution for all your building, alteration & renovation requirements
When doing Building & Construction, Home Improvements, Renovations and Quality Building Finishes you should always make sure that you are dealing with a legitimate professional construction company when building a new home, renovating a home, or when doing home improvements.
As we all know building a new home or doing alterations and renovations to an existing house can cost a substantial amount of money.
Therefore there is no doubt in our minds that you would prefer to appoint a reputable company to manage the project on your behalf.
Mattoni Projects is a company, with extensive hands-on experience in the home building and renovating market, with many years of experience. We can fulfill all your construction, building and management needs for your residential or commercial building projects. We take you step by step through the whole planning, building and construction process.
Tel: 011 524 0350
Rick: 076 841 8913
Abby: 082 859 2224
Email: rick@mattoni.co.za